Wednesday 27 June 2012

Photo Studio

I have spent some time recently redoing photos for my Etsy store - but it looks like I'm going to be doing some of them again!

It has been overcast here for a week, and there is limited natural light, especially in my I have set up a mini studio with lights - but - the pics have turned out quite yellow with the artificial light. Nothing beats the sunshine! 

All looks good....

But, no.....too yellow!

Friday 1 June 2012

Craft Caravan Market

We had a great time at the Craft Caravan Market yesterday, and by the end of the day we had our wet weather plan down pat!

Despite the showers, there were plenty of lovely customers to meet, and I'm really thrilled that so many people loved my mini fabric baskets. They are made using gorgeous fabric from the very talented Ink and Spindle girls in Melbourne.  If you aren't familiar with their work, please visit their website - there is plenty to ohh and ahh over.

My wool blanket storage baskets also drew a lot of ver nostalgic comments. I think everyone used to have a blanket like these on their beds as children. I know I did - watch out mum, I might just just raid the linen closet next time I visit.

The next market of me will be on the 14th of July, at St Augustines in Racecourse Rd, Hamilton. I will some new items, including nesting baskets and oh so cute sock monkeys!

And good luck today and tomorrow to my fellow BrisStylers - hope the days stay dry for you!